martedì 29 marzo 2011

NuDe, il futuro ha avuto inizio.

Laura Traldi su Curve, era esattamente un anno fa scriveva:
"Yet one of the first design applications of this astonishing material was not issued from a technology giant nor by a large furniture company (despite the fact that Magis is said to be working with the likes of Zaha Hadid and Jasper Morrison in the development of a series of chairs in liquid wood that will likely be presented in months to come) but from the creativity of an Italian designer, working in collaboration with a research lab in the North of Italy, Politec. As a matter of fact, this month during the Fuori Salone in Milano, Romolo Stanco will introduce the first designed object in liquid wood."

Maschere Nere, dall' 11 aprile.
I primi al mondo? Un Corno.

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